After a discussion with Durham Wildlife Trusts Headquarters about the amount of waste cardboard they had lying around the offices the guys at Intimations Gateshead studio had a gust of festive spirit sweep over them! Blessed with a great window space and being inspired by the local Fenwick’s Christmas display they decided to take up the challenge of creating a Green (Enviro friendly) Festive window display all of their very own!

Using only cardboard donated from our ever encouraging clients (and of course a couple of reliant Sharpie pens!) the project began!

After a lot of cutting, sketching and hanging the display was finally ready to show off to the North East public. Complete with the Moon, Stars, Santa Claus and much more to feast your festive eyes on it is now a Christmas creative treat not to be missed!

As a nod to Intimations clients such as Durham Wildlife Trust, Quorum Business Park, Kinesio, Belhaven to name just a few, which have been a pleasure to work with for another year there are “QR Code presents” scattered throughout the window linking to some little online treats.

So thanks to everyone that donated their junk in the good name of recycling!

We hope you enjoy the display and be sure to keep an eye out for new appearances in the arches over the next few weeks!

Merry Christmas and happy New year from everyone at Intimation Creative.


If you think we can support you with your next or existing project, get in touch with us today.