At Intimation we’re committed to working in ways which mitigate against the effects of climate change and which minimise any harmful effects on the environment and wherever possible lead to environmental net gains. In line with this mission we aim to work and partner with organisations which are also pro-active in seeking to make positive impacts on the environment.
Our own activities and commitment has led to Intimation being accredited Investors in the Environment by Capability North East as well as being Carbon Club members offsetting our carbon footprint through the planting of trees each year to establish new UK woodland. The woodland schemes are assured by the UK government’s Woodland Carbon Code which certifies all projects in important areas throughout the UK.
As a business, our leadership team give their time as non-executives to a range of environmental organisations helping them operate, extending our advice and guidance free of charge helping steer their communication strategies and opening our networks to help facilitate business.
Our business promotes the use of vegetable inks and sustainable printing methods using stocks which are sourced from Forest Stewardship Council certified mills, as standard vegetable inks are used on all printed materials. We also recycle all paper where possible and only work with a supply chain which match our environmental values. All employees are encouraged to adopt the company values and where possible all business travel is done so in a way which reduces our environmental impact, from cycling to local meetings to holding telecoms or video conferencing to negate our travelling and impact on our environment.
As we are currently working towards achieving our iiE accreditation, our Environmental Policy shown below outlines our commitment to the environment as a business moving forward.
Our Environmental Policy
Intimation are an experienced, diverse team of strategic thinkers, creative copywriters, conceptual creatives, digital developers and astronomical animators, we’re here to help our customers find the right way of communicating to their audiences.
We support our customers and their businesses through strategy and creativity.
We’re committed to improving the sustainability of our activities and operations both, internally, across the Newcastle and Dunbar studios, as well as individuals throughout the team, leading by example, for the benefit of the environment and society as a whole.
Limiting the environmental impact of our business is important to us and we are committed to our sustainability journey for the benefit of the environment and society. We believe that through our approach and consideration of the environment within our working lives, and also beyond, we can make changes for the better. We believe that these changes will not only have a direct positive effect on the environment in general, but also will have a positive impact on us as individuals and allow us all to be better citizens of our planet, providing us with invaluable knowledge and understand of the topic, which can be shared within all aspects of our lives.
Intimation has become a member of Investors In the Environment (iiE) and is working towards Green level accreditation. Applying the iiE system has introduced processes that will record, analyse and set targets for measurable environmental objectives, to reduce resource use and enable us to account for environmental impact. All staff are made aware of the aims and objectives of Investors in the Environment and are expected, encouraged and supported to adhere to the relevant requirements and helping Intimation achieve our vision and goals in-line with the accreditation.
We have adopted 7 environmental principles to guide our work, workforce and implementation of iiE:
- Control, and at every opportunity minimise pollution arising from work activities and without exception, comply with all relevant environmental legal requirements.
- Continually improve our environmental performance by establishing an Environmental Management System to integrate sustainability into operations.
- Identify, monitor and measure our resource use and interpret the impacts of this e.g. Carbon footprint, waste to landfill etc.
- Provide training to all staff on our environmental sustainability ambitions at induction, annual training, staff engagement and where specific to strategy and job role.
- Ensure staff involvement at all levels in developing and delivering our environmental sustainability ambitions.
For more information on our Environmental Policy and our continued commitment to the planet, get in touch with either Karl (Newcastle Studio) or Kerr (Dunbar Studio).