Strategy / Messaging / Art Direction / Digital / Print

Kajima Community are an organisation that specialise in school lettings services. The team approached us to develop a new campaign to highlight their hands on approach to supporting customers.
Their core service is made up of two key product offerings, BookingsPlus and BookingsGuru which provide customers with a range of levels of support to choose from to suit their needs. Our client wanted to highlight their UPS's in relation to their key competitors to further strengthen their position in the marketplace.

Through this initial phase we found that many of their competitors didn't have the human resource element to their offering as the BookingsGuru service provided.

This side of their offering provides hands on support from a real team of experts. Each one of their clients are provided with a dedicated Guru to help, support and manage their school lettings, in contrast to many lettings focused companies that had a purely online management based product.This then led us to focus the campaign heavily on the BookingsGuru to highlight this key differentiator across the campaign theme.

The real Guru team were photographed to be the face of the campaign.

Each route that was developed aligned with the strategy of the team focus and the individuals in a variety of executions and offered a range of messaging framework options to support.

Once the look and feel was agreed we began to work on how it could be delivered effectively.

The first step was to work on the art direction that would be front and centre of the campaign. We developed a concise art direction guide that our client could use on the day of the shoot, not only ensuring that the shots of the team would mirror the desired look and feel, but also to support our client on the day and ensure they got the best material they could within the time they had.

The campaign theme was applied to both digital and printed touchpoints.

The key touchpoints of the "Grab a Guru" campaign were spread across both digital and printed communications with a mini-site and targeted mailer being the priority.

This then cascaded across a range of animated social media graphics to allow the client to have the flexibility to apply these to organic posts as well as bespoke EDM's which provided additional free download resources to users.

This was a really exciting project for us, taking our marketing of this service to the next level. Intimation captured the whole ethos of ‘our people make our business’ perfectly in the design concepts. We were so excited for the unveiling of the photography which involved our whole team and gave the campaign a very personal and real feel to it.

Julie Moorhouse
Sales & Marketing Manager
Kajima Partnerships Ltd

You can visit the BookingsGuru mini-site here and also follow their activity on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.



If you think we can support you with your next or existing project, get in touch with us today.

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