The Intimation family is moving from strength to strength, constantly growing and expanding our endless pool of talent. Another addition to our Newcastle studio Is Gavin, our experienced Designer!
Working alongside our Creative Director in the heart of Newcastle, Gavin will be using his skills and abilities to deliver innovative and creative design solutions that meet our clients’ needs.
Gavin has had a chance to settle in, let’s see how he is getting on!
Gavin, what is the most interesting thing you have learned about Intimation so far…?
It’s good crack, full of interesting people, with loads of interesting things to work on. I have the freedom to work my way, which gives me the chance to put my personality into each design.
Can you tell us about you background?
I have had a strange career background which was extremely varied! I have worked in factories where I actually made Levi jeans, I have worked in a shipyard, as a van driver, been a carer and all sorts before I actually got my design gig where I worked at Cravens Advertising in Newcastle as an Art Director.
What was your favourite role of all of them?
Working as a Designer! I love solving problems, I’m a problem solver and working in design allows me to solve problems in a creative and innovative way.
If you had to choose so soon, what is your favourite part of you new role?
It’s nice to get up and do what you love doing. Not everyone does a job that they love so I am fortunate to be in the position where I do what I love every day. Also working nine to five with no weekends might be the best part!
What’s your favourite story about your past?
Younger people won’t know him, but I met fashion designer Leigh Bowery, who ran the huge taboo nightclub in London. He was a fashion icon and a performance artist and very alternative! I contacted him through chance and actually got an invite to his flat, knocked on the door at 3pm, to him in his dressing gown and wig which was off centre, and I hung out with him in his palace of a flat! He was my hero and I met him!